
Saturday 25 December 2010

Merry Christmas everybody

I hope the big guy in the red coat remembered your good times and forgot the naughty one.
I had a sneak look and I saw several parcels for me.
I am all excited.
Well I am coming to the end of a pretty unusual 4 months.
There are many positives and few negatives.
I am looking forward to the New Year
Knowing I have no need for new year resolutions as I have  already made a couple of New Life ones that are holding up very well.
So on those notes
 I once again wish you all
A very Merry Christmas and a Generous New Year.
To you and all of those you love and care for.
Help yourself to what ever you want from my
 *hugs*, *kisses*, *smiles* and thank yous


Wednesday 10 November 2010

weds 101110

Hi to all my followers and every one else.

Just weighed now down to 106.6 KG, 234 lbs, 16st. 10 lbs. That's good.
As the world is different the triple weight is given
For interest starting weight was
125 KG, 275 lbs, 19st 9 lbs
Got a sniffle today. That's not so good.
Chatting with people world wide autumn sickness is every where so I am not being picked on.
I have had my flu jab so it should be only a cold.

Felling better in my self will keep an eye on this developing cold.

The weather has turned cold, so heating on.
Seeing my friend Sue today, looking forward to that, as I am typing this she has just texted/SMS'd me, coincidence or what?? *Spooky*
Another check tomorrow, checking my mobility.
Fingers crossed not been bed ridden since coming out of hospital,
Although have had an odd day of stay home’s am starting back into my old daily routines from next week.
As much as I would like I can't just laze around.


Sunday 31 October 2010

Another week

Dear Chaps and Chapesses
Last week was not fun.
Appointments every day bar Thursday which was cancelled as i had my B/P test Wednesday
Results so far nothing horrific but gentle tweaks needed.
Current changes in life style are to be kept to.

This week much quieter
Tuesday: Colorectal Mayday Croydon.
Friday:  Doctor AM  Funeral (My Aunt) PM

So if body willing I shall try and start getting ready for Christmas.
Must remember to send Xmas Cards early mentioning no Alcohol presents.
Thinking Cash, to go to Zoe, for new clothes in the New Year.
My Daughters have said they will take me out for this.
Have broken through the 110 KG
Now 109.1 KG

Knee seems a lot better but the tablets can only be taken 4 days on three days off, today first of the off days .
It does mean I shall have info for Doc Fri.
Now time to shop and see what’s on special for tea.


Friday 29 October 2010


Well the tablets from the Quack have helped.
The improvement is gratefully received.
a bit of a run around with Hospitals

Weight is on a plateau at the moment
110 to 111.


Wednesday 27 October 2010

On My Knees.

Good morning chaps and chapesses.

The pain in my knees is escalating so off to see Doc today.
Will report back later.


Tuesday 26 October 2010

proddings and probings

Good Morning Chaps and Chapesses.

Knee kept me awake most of night, more comfortable sitting in my chair, which is why an early morning update.

Today's weight 110.8KG

This week is a run of medicals,

Yesterday Monday, Two Months to Christmas.
Was Oncology at PRUH Farnborough. for a 6mm/quarter inch spot on lungs.
This was found during a MRI scan.4 weeks ago.
The prognosis is unsure but rescan in February, if it grows then maybe  a biopsy.

Afternoon Saw Doctor about bad knee, More Paracetamol's plus Piroxicam Gel.

Today blood test and X-ray on knee. At Beckenham Beacon This has started to play up and none of my now current medications can touch it.
I was Gel I was given only feels cool, still shall persevere.

Wednesday nothing so a catch up with jobs indoors.

Thursday off to Doctor for Blood Pressure check.

Friday James and Anneke's  birthdays
Morning Diabetic eye Check, At Beckenham Beacon,
Afternoon Urology Nurse PRUH Farnborough.

So a busy week travelling around.


Sunday 17 October 2010

He aint heavy

To all and sundry

I have been persuaded by my Zoe to check my weight daily.
I bought some new digital scales for a cost to me of ;
£4.99  RRP £29.99 that was half price then a ten pound voucher from the gas repair firm.

Yep my hot water is back fine and dandy

Anyway the scores on the doors are;

Weds       113.4KG
Thurs    lost details
Fri            113.3KG
Sat           112 .7KG
Sun          112.4KG
Mon18th  112.0 KG

Blood test tomorrow but not a faster so I can have breakfast first. then maybe a sneek peek At the refurbished Tesco at Elmers end
The bus stops outside the hospital

Still running slow but can keep up with snails now.

Thats all folks 

Thursday 14 October 2010


 Hi all

For some reason can't send texts so that is the project for today.

Feeling better must be running around 50% now.

Only promblem Co-Codomol have done their usual and given me constipation.
Who said  convalescence was relaxing.

I was going shopping but daren't in case the dam is unexpectedly breached .

Rost chicken sandwich for lunch and lamb chops for tea.
Weight this morning 113.4 KG


Monday 11 October 2010

Doctors and Nurses

Note the The days since Alcohol auto updates the be correct the day you view it

Visit with the nurse
Blood pressure up
160/90 Left ****154/94 Right
That was expected as I am taking zero medication for this.

29/Jul/10 120 KG ***11/Oct/10 115 KG my scales 113 KG
That is 5 KG lost.

Wee wee test fine I.E. no protein found.
Flu jab given
Nurse happy

Next Nurse Full review end of January

Seen the doctor given reduced dosage B/P tablet.
Due blood test  next week and B/P check a week later.
Next Doctor 1 - 5 November

Feeling fairly well if a little tired .
I tend to get tired quite quickly.
So gently does it.

I have to go shopping for some beer,
Ginger beer etc, and frozen veg.

So a slow trip to Penge and then home again.

Spoke to James yesterday he is finding that Universities are not just booze and parties.
Some work needs to be done as well.


Sunday 10 October 2010

Feeling better

Good morning world

I stayed at home all day yesterday,

I did not feel tired until midnight.
So I shall do the same today.

Perhaps going out takes more out of me than I realised.
As all last week I was dozy most of The day and unable to keep my eyes open by 10 - 10:30 in the evening.

Also i only woke up properly once.
Instead of 3 - 4 times.

Well one result does not make a theory just an inkling of an idea.



Saturday 9 October 2010


To my band of followers et al.
The first few posts were a little wordy and over long
If anybody wants clarification send me a comment and I will do my best.

As I have to go to doctor and nurse on Monday
I am taking it easy today and tomorrow
As I went out every day last week
To test my self and be able to bring problems to their notice.

All is well and I have only foot and knee pains to report
As the most effective Anti-inflammatory/Pain killer has been stopped.

Had chicken sarnie for lunch and blue steak for tea an apple is for supper.

Still no alcohol so i am as well as my kids happy.



Friday 8 October 2010

getting better

Night sleep is suffering less wake ups over night .
I am still getting tired and going to bed around 10:30 - 11:00  and getting up between 7 and 8.
routine of cereals for breakfast sandwich for lunch and a cooked evening meal becoming a habit and not a chore.
easing back on fluid intake.
blood sugar levels nicely below seven I will be happier when its below six.
the out patient appointments starting to come in.

all in all well to the good.


Tuesday 5 October 2010

My Bed

Good morning every one,
Had a comfortable night if a little restless.
This morning knee is giving trouble not too bad though.

Today also marks a full week of no alcohol,
I am drinking diet drinks instead.

Gas man back again today, a leak appeared after the repair.

Early morning shop as I have to be back for midday.
Homemade burgers tonight.

Monday 4 October 2010

A New Week

Good morning everybody.

Well a new week starts.
Today I go home .

I have the gas man coming this afternoon to repair the boiler, so have to be home by midday, let's see if it is fixed this time.
The problem is intermitant hot water, been on going since July!
They're sending an engineer and a supervisor, still have fingers and toes crossed.

As I record all programs as a matter of course I have nearly a fortnight of catch up, that will keep me from being too active.


Sunday 3 October 2010

Feeling Better

Good Morning to one and all,
I shall continue my recovery here on my blog and not post else where or send emails to save forcing my ails upon yourselves.

Well feeling good this will be the end of the first week .

I have booked a combined doctor and nurses appointments for monday week.
Then we start checking to see if and which drugs will need to be restarted or newly introduced.

I am maintaining 5 a day and three meals a day seem to have more energy, and no bad side effects.

Does seem strange taking so few pills after the years of plenty, but I was told that some of them were stopping being so effective or causing problems of their own.



Saturday 2 October 2010

finally the definative "I was unwell" post

This Monday 27/09 I collapsed again.
This time in the PRUH after being admitted for feeling dizzy again.
I was kept in until Thursday 30/09 yesterday.

I did not have a heart attack. My heart is fine all the tests prove this.
It was thought I had a heart problem
As there was a twenty point difference with the B/P in my left and right arms.

It is believed I had an allergic reaction,
Evident as an angry rash to legs arms and torso,
To what we do not know for as far as I know
I am allergic to nothing whatsoever.

This reaction caused my blood pressure to start to fall
And as I was on multiple medications to control my B/P
It dropped like a stone on steroids,
Causing panic all round and with the arm differences serious panic.

So I have spent three days in CCU.
A couple of other minor problems have been identified
And are being dealt with as an out patient.

The Future
I am consuming nil alcohol and want to continue this till Christmas.
I am making serious changes to a healthier lifestyle,

Being in a Cardiac ward certainly changes your view on life.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Princess Royal Hospital

This is difficult to choose between to be or  not to be wordy.

Here I am at A&E 1:40 PM
I am Blah blah,  Blah? blah,  Blah blah? Blah blah blah blah, Blah? blah, Blah blah? Blah blah.

So now we are in
”How are we today?” The nurse asks
“well “as I repeat part 1
Lets check you over B/P okay.
Now an ECG.
As I lay back numerous pads and leads are attached to my body and limbs.
I quip “Will this improve my sex life”
“No, but if we don’t fix you up you won’t have one”
One minute later all sorted.
The Prep and de-prep taking 15 minutes the test 30 seconds.
Any way I pass the heart is fine and dandy.

Next a new nurse comes in the;
” A&E Girl”, Ta Dada.
I am taken to A&E proper and ensconced in a cubicle.
She the proceeds to question me this time stopping me frequently and ask supplementary questions.
I am then told to lay down as I am given an intense prodding an probing carried out with practised ease. Frequent smiles no frowns.
Then we go through the Q&A again.
Right I need blood test
I explain I have already had loads so of to PC she goes.
The results are found and perused.

On her return I ask to go to the loo.
“Good take these”

As a handful of pots and vials are given to me.
I returned from a non performance.
And ask for a drink.
A little plastic cup arrives and only serves to activate a raging thirst.
I hobble over to the water point and 5 cups later return partially satiated.
As I am laying down my B/P is taken again
110 / 75 a little low
I am asked to stand up
Th cuff again inflates, as the results show A&E Girl frowns for the first time.
So it is taken again another frown “how are you feeling?”
Slowly spinning I reply
What was the reading
55 / 30 twice.
“That’s low” I say “Very” is the agreement.

The Doctor/Consultant/?
Arrives and starts to explain
“We believe that you are suffering from severe dehydration either brought on by or made worse by the sickness and diarrhoea.
“While your blood pressure is this low I can not permit you to go home.”
“However we are going to put you on a drip, if your blood pressure returns to “Your Normal (135 / 90)” by 9pm you can go home”
I am hooked up and the flow adjusted
“You will be told this is too fast, keep an eye on it, keep it at this speed.
“Nearly two drops a second.” 

I am wheeled off to a communal ward and rechecked Still low
In front of me is a full jug of water and by 8 PM the drip and the two jugs are empty and I have been wee wee three times.
My skin has turned pink.
A doctor is called I am checked over and sent home.

Conclusions observations and musings tomorrow.


Things said in jest. Can come back to bite you.

Before I start this series of posts

I was very ill but it is not attributable to any life threatening Diseases/Conditions.

More how signs can be missed.

I am safely on the road to recovery.

It is my fault for refusing to give up.

Things said in jest. Can come back to bite you.

I am often heard to quip

I must be careful or I’ll have too much blood in my alcohol stream.

Well I this was found to be so, this week, at the Hospital.

“Huh” I hear,” Yep” I reply

“Too Much Blood.”

“Shall I explain?” I say.

“Yes Please” you shout back.

I enjoy a drink always have.

Recently I was advised to cut down, not all at once (phew), bit by bit.

Well this did prove difficult but I have managed to half my consumption.

This I achieved by gradually cutting down the number of drinks I had

This was not easy being a hardened drinker of almost forty years the body whinged.

But over the last five six months I managed this.

All together now “Hurrah well done Les”

I would cut a drink out and stay like that for a week or so.

Occasionally I would go back a step, wait a little while and move forward again.

Remembering the old adage “Slowly slowly catches the monkey.”

Then recently I had round of tummy upsets upstairs and downstairs.

Not every day and never both ends at once

A couple of times forcing me to cancel meetings etc.

I thought it was bad food, so I cleared out the fridge, freezer and larder.

And restocked, all seemed to settle down then at the beginning of this week it all came back with avengence.

Now normally if I have a “Gyppy Tummy”

I only have to wait an hour or so and all is fine, no special diets needed.

Wednesday I was due a medical revue, so I would bring the subject up.

Well Tuesday night I was sick three times . But waited to see the Doc, told him what I’ve told you

A few questions later and I was sent off with a bottle to fill and told to take it and go for blood tests at the hospital. One of these requires fasting. No problems I know about this nil but water for 12 hours. Being an old hand I knew every body fasts early evening a goes early morning. Consequentially the hospital is heaving until after 10 o’clock. Now I start my fast at 20:30 and so miss the crowds.

Well Wednesday evening I felt a little peckish and had a piece of chicken, Which stayed down 30 seconds.
About six thirty I stood up and the next thing I knew I was on the floor the other side of the room.

Strange I thought , still I pulled my self to gether and sat still for a while, had a glass of water and went online and booked another doctors appointment. As I am diabetic and my diet had been a bit of a mish mash lately I took my Blood Sugar readings thinking I had had a Hypo, unusual for tablet controlled but not impossible. 10.89, way to high, must tell the doc. I drank very little and had an early bed .

I had a sleepless night thinking “Did I pass out with a heart attack ?

Is my trouble weeing from prostate cancer?

Is my being sick from ulcers or worse.

Thursday morning I felt rough Still went to the hospital and gave the tests needed.

As I was feeling better had a pub lunch including a burger and chips.

Took it nice and gentle reading a book.

And in the afternoon I made my way to the doctors, feeling much better and relayed part two.

I was told he wanted a urine sample, I said I gave one in this morning; no he said “I want one now.”

25 minutes later no joy.

I was told off for not calling an ambulance and going to hospital, I meekly replied sorry I will call in future. A round of more intense than normal prodding probing tapping and listening.

B/P taken ok, B/S 9.89 So I am sent away with another round of blood tests and to make an appointment for an ECG.

That evening I left apologises on forums etc saying I would only be lurking not active for a while.

Now we come to yesterday Friday.

Got myself off to the hospital to have my tests done,

While I was there a mum brought her daughter in for blood test and little one was distraught , I told her that I found it helps if you concentrate on breathing

Breathe in count 1, 2, 3

Breathe out count 1, 2, 3

She did this a few times and smiled a weak thank you.

While I was there I popped into the drop in centre given a quick once over and told if I feel bad go to A&E.

Thought well I might so went to Bromley the town to change buses felt a lot better so as I hadn’t eaten for 24 hours I would have a MacD.

Felt even better so had a walk around the town popped into the library picked a book and sat down .

When I stood up an intense dizzy spell sent me nearly crashing into the book cases.

That’s it Farnborough Hospital it is.

The Next Seven hours.

To follow
I was very ill far worse than I thought
How ever it is NOT heart or cancer.

I have been to hospital and been given a jump start.
I am back home and will be recuperating,
I need a slow recharge.
And so doing more lurking than participating.

full details will go up on my blogg over the next few days

Thank you for all your kind thoughts


Wednesday 15 September 2010


Dear everyone et al.
I've been a little under the weather.
More than likley coming down from the euphoric weekend I had.
So I am getting back to normal again.

A busy week of appointments and visitors should keep me on my toes.

Just wanted to let you now if I am quite on some of the bloggs and forums.
I am just taking a little time out.

Hope to back to full pain in the A mode soonest.


Sunday 12 September 2010

My Blogg

I mention frequently about staying safe
Well yesterday the cab could not find me with my full address and telephone number.
When we arrived late even after my daughter
He quoted full fare I said no,
He said it was his milage i said if your car costs £3  mile to run you should change

I said you and your office are blaming each other
I believe your office as our whole family use this firm and  have done so for years.
sort it out and you will start to make money
full fare paid no way


Mr and Mrs

My younger brother got married yesterday.Third for him second for her.

The actual wedding was only attended by Tony &Koren Well they had to be there.
Along with his son Tom & girlfriend Charlotte,
As multi tasking Best man, Maid of Honour as well as Witnesses and Congregation.

The evening was a dedicated bun fight complete with Champagne toasts, beautiful buffet.

Finishing off with the ubiquitous disco playing Abba and the Bee-Gees amongst other popular renditions.
A most enjoyable evening amongst family and friends catching up to date the various bits and bobs of news.
Having this strange condition of mine i never have a hang over.
I awoke sans headache .
 We have just finished a smoked salmon and scramble eggs breakfast.
Geoff is of to visit more friends before returning to Doncaster tomorrow.


Thursday 9 September 2010

Brides Nighty

Some of you may have noticed some posts are only about for a day or two.
This is because I can release a temporary contact that is Spam Proof.
The title refers to the phrase
"Up and Down Like a Brides Nighty"
Referring to wedding night frolicking.

Loadsa Les


Protest offer MP threatened with arrest

Protest offer MP threatened with arrest

(UKPA) – 2 pm today

An MP has revealed how he was threatened with arrest after he offered to remove two anti-war protesters who climbed up the side of one of Parliament's buildings.

Tory Tobias Ellwood said he was greeted by the sight of the protest as he cycled towards the entrance to the House of Commons.

He said he was told the pair, who have unfurled banners on scaffolding saying "Troops Home", could not be removed because of health and safety fears.

Speaking during questions on future business in the Commons, Mr Ellwood (Bournemouth E) said it was a "strange day indeed" when an MP was threatened with arrest "whilst a protester sits on our roof having breached the security".

The former Army officer said: "I cycled into Parliament this morning, only to be greeted by yet another protester who had breached security and remains as we speak on the side of the scaffolding of this building.

"I then approached the police who were standing underneath and said 'Why hasn't an arrest been made?' and they came back with that British ubiquitous justification for inertia - health and safety.

"I then offered myself to go up and make a citizen's arrest and I was told to move on - or I would be arrested.

Commons Leader Sir George Young commended the "robust response" of Mr Ellwood.

In 2009 Mr Ellwood was punched and suffered a swollen ear after he tried to stop a group of youths from playing football in a shopping precinct.

The year before he confronted a gang of youths who had urinated in a garden and was verbally abused and had stones thrown at him. He said at the time that he felt more people should be prepared to confront anti-social behaviour.

Monday 6 September 2010

Cook or Not

The KFC advert last night/early morning intimated that for a family of four to buy a "Family Bucket" for around £15.
Mum and dad would have so much more time to play in the garden with their children.

As a single parent I did deliberately serve a meal or two at a substandard for me to keep from being annoyed/questioned while cooking.

Also I only had to do it twice when James and Vickey were putting too many "Treats/wants" in the trolley I took them by the hands and walked out leaving the shopping behind.
James would thereafter sit by the comics reading until I picked him up

Now cooking a chicken Costs £1.50 I do not believe it

Go to
Carbon Footprint - Household Energy Consumption

Using their figures on average
A gas oven costs 5.6p per use.
An electric 15.6p per use.

The problem today is people blindly accept the electronic answers.
without checking.
After all Computers don't make mistakes unless it's a Computer error that suits.

Forgetting all about "GIGO"
Or "Garbage in Garbage out"

Like Statistics
Most news papers
Seem to use statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts,
For support rather than illumination.

For an example saying the 15 percent of people don't like something.
So therefore it must not happen.

As if the other 85 percent who do like something never existed.


Thursday 2 September 2010

Socking Hell Or For Sox Sake

Socking Hell
For Sox Sake

Here in London we have a local radio presenter who only every wears
M&S Socks and pants.

Fine I hear you say.

But and its a "BIG BUT"
He wears them once and throws them away,

Now I learnt a secret years ago.
I buy my socks at least a dozen preferably fourteen pairs at a time,
But all exactly the same,
Pairing up is never a problem.

Just got sidetracked
By the Michael Ball Show
YouTube - Mobility Scooter Formation Display


Now are Shirley and "Norris" up for it??

Les's thought of the day

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Where does Energy go?

Dear Shirley et al

I haven’t really been following the Story of Science programme as I kept losing interest.

But I will try and help you with your query.

The Universe is made of energy and matter.
Matter is divided up into atoms.
Atoms combine to make molecules,
Molecules combine to make the things we recognise,
Like water
Or two atoms of Hydrogen, plus one atom of Oxygen.

If you burn Hydrogen with Oxygen the result is a colossal release of heat plus water as Steam.
You have seen this when the NASA Rocket Engines fire.

I hope you are happy with this concept.

Now to split water back to Oxygen and Hydrogen,
You need to add energy.
We do it by “Electrolysis”
We add energy by the way of electricity.
To change water back to Hydrogen and Oxygen again.

When the Earth was formed it was a ball of molten rock.
As it cooled it started to solidify.
In fact I am sure you know the Earths core is still molten.
As shown by Volcanoes.

Nowadays the surface receives all its natural energy from the sun.
This is kept in by the various gases and particles in the atmosphere.

Some is converted to matter by Photosynthesis in plants so produce vegetation and edible products.

Now all these conversions do not actually produce new matter just new molecules from the available atoms and other molecules.
But this is still important as in helps with the original query,
What happens to energy?

An awful lot of this energy is stored as Gas, Oil and Coal.
The problem we are having is that we are now releasing these energies and by products at an ever increasing rate

It is possible to directly change matter into energy this is how the sun works.
And also our Nuclear Bombs and Atomic Power Stations.

I hope you are all with me class.

Thus I believe the current global warming is helped (sic) in more ways than one by mankind.
Adding increasingly more and more energy and by products into our environments.
So bringing an unnatural unbalance in the stability of the world.

Now to the Big Bang.

This is my way of understanding it.

In the beginning of our current Universe
A previous one collapsed and all the energy and matter was forced into the mother of all black holes.
This caused energy to change to matter, matter to energy until it became unstable and exploded.
The result of this has been shown as our universe as still expanding.
I believe it will reach a limit and then collapse again.

Resulting in another Big Bang

Again and again.


This has been posted on both “theclevercloggs” and the “Shirley Goode” blogs

Thursday 29 April 2010

Protein V Carbohydrate diet.

It is my understanding that the body obtains most of its energy from Carbohydrates.

The excess of which it stores as fat.

If an insufficient input of these occur,
The body slows down and very slowly uses up its fat reserves.

Then when Carbs are reintroduced,
The body stays shut down and restores fat levels as fast as possible.

The body also needs Protein but use a large amount of Carbs to process.
If the diet is deficient in Carbs it robs the fat reserves for this action.

This goes some way to explain why

Low Carb diets tend to work,
But you do tend to feel hungry.

High Protein and no Carbs diets
Work faster but tend towards malnutrition.

With a healthy level of Protein, Carbs, and other foods,
The side effects are removed and weight is stabilised.

So I suggest increase Protein slightly and reduce Carbs slightly for a slow a continuous weight loss.
Around two pounds or one kilo a week is considered the healthiest.

I did try to explain this in a previous comment
But I failed to make myself clear.

So in conclusion
More Protein more weight off
More Carbs more weight on.
Balance by trial and error
For a gentle loss,
Then stabilisation.

However “Gluttony” is something else.

Note this is a simplification.

A little tidying up of thoughts.
Carbs come in many forms

From simple, “Sugars”
To complex, starches.
They are easy to produce and use and so tend to be cheap and readily available.

The simpler the Carbs the less “work” the body has to do to absorb them.
Cooking and processing of food reduces Carbs from complex to more and more simple sugars.

Even though the food still shows the same “Calories”
The changes in “G.I.” are to the detriment of the diet.

Easily digested
Also means
Easily absorbed.

Proteins especially animal types.
Take a lot of effort to produce and care in their use and preparation,
And so tend to be expensive.

Vegetable proteins are cheaper,
But still take more effort than ordinary vegetables..
Animal types are often preferred,

When proteins are eaten the body wants and needs the nutrients contained within and
Will expend a lot of energy and effort absorbing them.

Animal often needing less effort than vegetable.

The result is
With the “Atkins style of diet”
Carbs negate the benefits of high protein and thus reduces weight loss.

With the “G.I. style of diet”
Protein negates the absorption of Carbs and thus reduces weight gain.

I hope this help clear things up.

As a basic rule
A varied diet is best,
Never just one type of food,
All in moderation.


Friday 23 April 2010


Some Tips on Making Compost

Using your own compost is the best way towards making a beautiful organic garden.

Why not recycle your organic kitchen and garden waste by making compost and then using this to feed your plants or use as a mulch? First you'll need some sort of compost bin/container.
Your choice of composter is very much determined by how much space you've got for your compost bin or how big you want it to be. Up to a point larger is better but If you make your own remember you may have to get it through doors or gateways to its final site. Try to site it where it will be convenient to access. If you want to buy a compost container, there are several companies on our Composting page selling a range of different types: wooden ones, plastic ones, worm composters; there are also sites you can visit giving information of how to make your own composter. You can make compost in a plastic bin liner/sack but it takes a long time; see the end of this page for some details.
If you have a small space for a composter, then a plastic one may well be the most practical; these can be fairly compact; they have a lid at the top to fill from and usually a 'door' of some sort at the bottom where you can remove the rotted compost. And you can buy one made from recycled plastic. Some councils enable you to buy a plastic composter (usually one per household) at a reduced price, or even free.

The art of making good compost seems to be a bit of a black art.
Some people appear to have the knack, others don't. In our experience, compost doesn't always turn out like that shown on TV gardening programmes! Below are some suggestions, hints and tips that should help but its likely that you'll have to experiment and find out the best methods to suit you. If the compost is not perfectly as you would like don't despair, dig it in as early as possible and the end results will probably be very rewarding.

What's Good to Compost

* Basically, all organic waste from your garden and kitchen.
* All fruit, vegetables and waste from these, flowers and leaves, tea and tea bags, coffee grounds, egg shells (preferably crushed).
* Weeds, grass, soft cuttings and prunings.
* Shredded twigs, prunings and cuttings.
* Waste paper including tissues, kitchen towels, newspaper, printer paper, corrugated paper/card and cardboard but not too much; it should all be torn up or crumpled and well mixed in with the rest of the compost.

What's Bad to Compost

* Meat, fish, dairy produce, fat, egg, bread, cake, biscuits, pastry and things containing these; they rot and attract vermin.
* Nearly all cooked food, for the same reason.
* We think you shouldn't compost tomato plants and tops of potato plants; we understand that they can transmit disease (the actual tomatoes and potatoes are fine).
* Cat and dog faeces, because it could carry/transmit disease.
* Plastics, shiny paper and card.
* Coarse cuttings, prunings, stalks and twigs, as unless they are shredded they'll take too long to decompose.
* Big roots and roots of dandelions, ground elder, mares tail, couch grass, bindweed etc as these will re-grow.
* Diseased plants or leaves, like those with black spot, mildew, rust or other visible diseases.
* Grass cuttings, moss or other garden waste recently treated with chemicals; you should follow instructions on the packet/tin etc regarding composting following treatment.
* Soil. Small quantities are acceptable, and may be beneficial if well distributed, but you should shake or knock excess soil off plant roots before composting them.

Tips to Improve your Compost

* You should compost things with a range of textures; you need a mix of soft waste material as well as coarser rougher stuff. This helps to aerate the compost.
* One way to aid this is to compost waste paper/card and cardboard but not too much; it should all be torn up or crumpled and mixed in with the rest of the compost. The Composting Tip Sheet from CAT (see our site) gives more details, emphasising the benefits of composting paper and card, stating that you should recycle what paper and card you can and compost all the rest that's suitable.
* Mixing and turning the compost also helps it decompose faster.
* Organic waste will turn into compost faster if it's in small pieces. A compost shredder is useful to chop up larger and coarser material so that it's suitable to put in the composter.
* The above tips all help to introduce and maintain oxygen into the compost; this helps the organic matter to decompose faster.
* Grass cuttings can be composted but you should not put thick layers in the compost bin without mixing other, coarser materials in with the grass to get oxygen into the mixture. Grass cuttings in large quantities will compact and form a thatch, restricting air flow and slowing down decomposition of the grass as well as other waste and will eventually end up as a slimy, smelly mass.
* The compost in the container should be moist, but not too wet. If it's too dry, you can just water it. If it's too wet and soggy, maybe liquid cannot drain away from the bottom; you could try standing your compost container on paving slabs with a slight slope and small gaps between; this will also make it easier to to remove your compost from the bottom. It can be helpful to pack small pieces of tile or slate under the legs to get the container upright and also delay the onset of wet-rot if they are wooden.
* Organic waste turns into compost faster if it's warm. Positioning your composter where it gets some sunshine is beneficial; if it's in full sun this may dry out the compost too much.

Making Compost in a Plastic Sack

We haven't much experience of this method, but we have found it useful when collecting large quantities of leaves because the woody stalks are slow to decompose. Putting them into bin bags for a few weeks, or even months, starts the process, then they are mixed with the main compost.
However, you can make compost in a large plastic bin liners with the normal garden and kitchen waste. It is likely to take a long time, about six to twelve months, for the organic matter to decompose into reasonable compost. This is because you are making compost without oxygen and this slows the process down; it's called anaerobic composting.
All you do is fill up your plastic sack with organic waste, see What's Good and Bad to Compost above; try to ensure there's a mix of textures, add some crumpled/torn paper if necessary. We've read that to improve the compost, to each bag mix in about 15ml (1 tbspn) garden fertiliser and 225ml lime. Close up the top of the bag and leave it. When you open up the bag, you'll probably find what's in the bag is a bit (or a lot) smelly and could be soggy, especially if the mixture was quite wet; however, it'll still be good for the garden in the long run!

This is a straight lift fro m this site

Making Compost, Information and Tips

Please visit them for more information.

I hope this all helps with your endeavors and helps to save even more money while growing your own produce.

Like many good (Goode) diy savings the benefits take time to accumulate and do not always appear beneficial immediately.


Friday 9 April 2010

My house

I am an enthusiastic cook.
Yes I live on my own.
Yes I live in a flat.
I have two and a half bedrooms.
One for me, one for visitors and the tiny one used as a study but still has a single bed.

Separate loo and bath.

Tiny kitchen eight foot by eight,
Containing a brick built larder, complete with a concrete shelf, which stays cool year round, included in the measurements.
Washing Machine, Cooker, Dishwasher and a Fridge Freezer (Fridge smaller than Freezer), Mini Oven, Microwave and Toaster.
And of course a kettle,
and a one and a half sink and drainer.
This means I only have two, two foot square sections of work top.
One of which has a raised wooden chopping board,
Although I always place a plastic board on top when preparing food.

The hall is larger than the kitchen and is used as a serving area with a bench, hostess, hot plate and small fridge for temp food storage for bun fights.
storage of the eight dining chairs.

The bench is used for DIY projects otherwise.

The front/living/dining room is nicely sized and has the TV, cable boxes etc.
Two three seater chesterfields and gate leg dining table that seats eight.
Along with another fridge freezer (Fridge larger than Freezer), for the very, very temporary storage of food,
But is permanently dedicated to drinks, of all persuasions.

Together with one wine rack in each kitchen, hall and larder.

Note re previous post.

If could keep only one thermometer,
Without question it would be this one.

Wireless Meat Thermometer.

Seezya Les

Thursday 8 April 2010

More Cooking

I did a comment on Cooking Methods

And Shirley reminded me about thermometers.

As you must have gathered I am a Gadget Freak.
And yes I have several.

I have a small “Mechanical Oven Thermometer” that stands up in the oven
It is accurate but has a really annoying habit of falling over at the most inappropriate moment making it some what of a “P.I.B.” in use.

I also have a “Mechanical meat Thermometer”,
Which is left in the joint for the whole of the cooking time,
I try and position it so it can be seen through the glass door of an oven.

I have since found a “Mechanical Oven Thermometer” with a meat spike to measure the internal temperatures of a Joint etc. and the oven temperature simultaneously.

Now a good idea when you get your first thermometer, or if you haven’t done so, is to turn the oven on for an hour for the temperature to stabilise,
And then check the temperature in several different spots and shelves. So that you can cook two or even three items needing slightly different cooking temperatures at the same time.
Gas ovens tend to be hotter at the top and electric at the bottom.

My favourites are the “Digital Thermometers”
These can measure huge ranges from minus 50C to plus 300C in some cases.
To check their accuracy fast boil a pan of water and check for 100C or 212F
If it is out by more than a degree or two take it back.
A faulty tool gives faulty results.

One of mine is an instant read (well 5 secs) probe with a plastic case so can not be left in situ. But still is more than useful.

I now have one that has the probe on a wire, so the probe can be in the oven and the temperature read outside.
It also has a second wireless unit so the temperature can also be read in another room.
Along with an alarm if a preset temperature is reached, a real boon when entertaining.

Some of these probe on a wire will read up to 300C, some 200C, and I even found one that only goes to 100C.

The 300C ones will measure meat, sugar, deep fry fat, and oven temperatures.
So I suggest you only buy a 300C one.

When you use thermometers regularly you will find the guess work drops away,
And begin producing “Top Dollar” results time and time again,
Your and your loved ones, taste buds will love you.

The wired probe will also check your fridges and freezers with the door shut.
(And yes I have three fridges and two freezers)
This way you can accurately set the thermostat to two degrees Centigrade and all your goods will store for a longer time.

When you have set the thermostat,
Take at least a week of checking,
Mark the dial with a marker pen as it will be knocked and moved.

Seezya Les

Wednesday 7 April 2010

More Knives

Knives Part Two

First before we start.

As in most skills in life,
You need to progress.

The best tool in the world is useless in Inexperience hands,
And can all too easily be ruined.
For example you do not put a learner driver in a “Formula one race car” and think he won’t crash.

That is an extreme I know,
But it makes the point.

All too often expensive knives are purchased but the “Knowledge” of how to care and maintain them is unknown, which is a shame.

There are many knives in various shapes, sizes and compositions.

For general house hold the use of cheaper knives may be better as they are of a softer metal,
Which will sharpen easily.

You will need to start with a 6 or 8 inch cooks knife.
Two small knives, one for close work and a serrated one for dealing with soft items.

As your skills progress purchase new ones of a style suited to your needs.

Most of the time, you should use the largest knife that comfortably does the job, as it will take less effort.

One of my favourite is a £4.99 Sainsbury cook’s knife, It is a little light in weight, but will tackle most domestic chores with ease. And has lasted many years

The ”Sabatier” type is made of high carbon steel which takes an edge well,
But if not meticulously looked after tends to darken an look horrible even if it still more than capable of performing well.

The dearer “Stainless Steel” E.g. “Global” will hold a fantastic edge but are difficult to sharpen as they are so hard.

I was left a “Global” by an old friend who was a chef before he retired.
As he was left handed and I am right handed it was a swine to use.

So I reground it and it took six, one hour sessions over three days to get it satisfactory and is slowly improving with regular use and tuning.

I also have a couple of “Japanese knives” which are made by hand by beating out and then folded again and again.
These are truly razor sharp but are sharpened flat on a stone on one side only.
They nearly cut just by resting the blade on the item to be cut.
The slightest of movements is often all that is needed to start cutting.

The Chinese use cleavers and if you can find a true “Chinese Cleaver” they can be a delight to use.
But are unsuited to some of the western techniques.

Ceramic knives hold an edge longer than any thing else but it rarely achieves a razor edge.
And even “diamond sharpening” needs great care or the edge is ruined.

My ceramic knife was dropped and the tip broken,
I have reground the end to the “Japanese” style,
But again that was a lengthy task.

Some foods do discolour if cut with metal so either tear, or cut with ceramic or a plastic knife which is available specifically for lettuces.

This has been an enjoyable discourse,
Brought to mind by Shirley mentioning she couldn’t use a “steel”

Seezya Les

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Toys and Gadgets

Number one,

The knife

These need to be sharp.

The Steel which is quoted frequently is a very hard tool to master,
And even the most capable will send their knives away to be “Reground”,
As the edge dulls even with the constant tuning.

I personally use various methods,
But the constant is that all my methods use “Diamonds”,
From the Steels, Stones, to the pre-set sharpening systems.

My preferred for easy use and superb results is
OZITECH™ Knife Sharpener

Read the instructions for the first time,
Be gentle, too much pressure makes a bad edge and ruins an expensive tool.
Patience will out.
Then use it every time you use the knife, just a stroke or two no more.

Most demonstrators show how easily a their knife cuts a tomato,
Why do they do it is it hard?
Must the knife be razor sharp?
No it is technique the knife moves with a slicing action at an angle,
Often a slight sawing action is used to get started.

Every person I know who has used a properly sharpened knife for the very first time is most impressed as to the ease of cutting raw potatoes not the ubiquitous tomato.

Whenever I visit I am always asked to tune up their knives,
Don’t tell them it is easy for me,
As it gets me out of more arduous chores like washing up.

I was taught by an expert in the scouts.
And after more than a few failures the skills clicked and have stayed with me ever since.

(As an aside sheath knives are now banned and all utility pen knives are held by the leader until used under supervision.)
(When ever I was at a camp all the boys brought knives to be sharpened and the uses demonstrated one on one.)

My knives at home were held on a magnetic holder six feet (1.8 metres) high up.
And all my children taught to use them when they could reach them unaided.

Nowadays they are mainly stored in one of two knife blocks on the work top,
With a few on the holder.

Knife skills are not so hard but you need to be patient in learning them and gentle in their use.

It is pressure that causes a blunt knife to slip unexpectedly,

It is pressure that causes a blunt knife to slip unexpectedly,

It is pressure that causes a blunt knife to slip unexpectedly,

Necessitating the use of at least a plaster,
Blue so it can be spotted if it falls off and into the soup etc.

There are many knife skills videos on the internet.

Watch a few and follow the one you like best.

Well this is longer than I expected.

I hope it helps you to use a knife with more confidence with a safer and a more positive attitude.

Seezya Les

Monday 5 April 2010

What Does That Cook?

All Methods of cooking,
As all things in life,
Have plus and minus bits,
With a few maybes as well.

Pressure Cooker,
Fastest for stews and casseroles,
But very easy to over cook,
Especially foods that normally cook in lest than 30 minutes.

PS They do not go BANG

Micro wave,
Brilliant for “Steaming veg”
Good for reheating.
Turns off after the set time.
Overly fast with fats and sugars.
Doesn’t brown properly

Very good for an all round even temperature,
Temperatures can be finicky.
Fan Ovens have an even temperature throughout,
Gas oven has the greatest variation of temperature spots inside,
Top, bottom, front and back,
If understand a boon else a major “P.I.B.”
But better consistency of temperature set,
Electric oven relies on sensitivity of thermostat so temperature may fluctuate wildly.
Every oven is different and takes time to adapt to different recipes,
When sorted set timer and take it easy.

Deep Fryer
Timings critical.
Imparts, when done well, a flavour and texture unable to be recreated any other way,
E.G. (Not Oven) chips.
Badly done a health hazard.

Normally one and half times longer than boiling.
More delicate and fuller flavour,
If an Electric model is over filled timings wildly erratic.

Slow Cooker
Again good for casseroles and stews,
Fill in the morning,
Eat in the evening.
Very difficult to over cook.
Sometimes meat can be cooked before root vegetables.

Does toast
Toaster bags?

George Forman Grill
Very good, cooks top and bottom at the same time.
Adverts often tend to show Juices released as ”FAT”

MacDonald’s use similar called a “Clam Shell”.
Don’t get me wrong,
MacDonald’s spend a fortune on training,
And equipment,
For a consistently excellent product world wide,
And deservedly so,
It is a world beater.

But please an occasional treat,

Never a staple.

Breville Sandwich Toaster
Similar to above,
But doesn’t do Sausages.
Often to be found hibernating at back of cupboard until long lost daughter returns home starving.

All foods bring out their best in,
Different methods of preparation and cookery.

We are blessed with a greater diversity of foods and techniques than ever before.

Look learn and experiment,

Give your food the best help,
And you will be richly rewarded,

Any food cooked well the right way

Else “Where is the bin?”

Seezya Les

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Cheaper food

I tend to treat food with the following thought.

The more an ingredient is going to be "mucked about with", the cheaper it can be.

Roast chicken a little butter and "Free Range",
just remove the wish bone.
Chicken "Curry" / "KFC" cheap chicken but fresh spices.
The delicate advantages of free range would be overwhelmed by the spices.

Grill Fillet steak, I like my with the moo left in.
Or fry and de-glaze with double cream and a little "French Mustard" for a sauce.
Stewed beef / Steak and Kidney I use shin, even available in the super market but labelled as "Stewing Beef", but not pre diced.

I normally buy and joint my chickens but you can get the occasional bargain with frozen chicken breasts.
I also buy whole pieces of meat then trim and dice myself.

If you want rump steak for a group,
buy a joint and slice it yourself.

The savings on home butchery are amazing.

Here is a link for a master class of 12 mins for jointing a chicken.
It takes me less than 5 mins.

How to butcher a Chicken Video

Seezya Les

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Petrol Prices

We are being warned that petrol prices are rising.
Ah not news but speculation.

I believe they will continue to rise in the UK.
Until once again a "government tax rise" will take it over a major milestone.

Then the poor poor oil companies will lament;
" Its not our fault we didn't take the price over, it was taxation".

Wait and see £5.50 a UK Gallon.
Oh that's 121.14 p a litre.


Saturday 13 March 2010

Food for thought

Until 1800, cookery was so dangerous that it was the second commonest cause of death among women (after childbirth).

Their skirts caught on the open fires of the hearth.

Deaths were dramatically reduced by the invention of the closed range by

George Bodley in 1802.

But this was not the AGA

Dr. Gustaf Dalen, a Swedish man, and also a Nobel Prize Winner, was the great mind behind the aga.

AGA actually stands for Aktiebolaget Gas Accumulator, the name of the company. It was the year 1922 when the design was complete,

and it was the aga cooker.

A kitchen appliance that could handle every culinary technique,

heat the house with it’s constant heat and also aid with the washing,

drying and pressing of clothes.

The hotplate and the rails on the front of the aga enabled the quick drying of clothes, and it could also allow for the clothes to pressed.

It was on constantly, heating the house during the cold months and could also be used to heat water for washing, not just dishes and laundry, but for personal washing as well.


Thursday 11 March 2010

A Roast Chicken

The other evening I fancied Roast Chicken, for one!

So here is a full step by step.

Remember this is for ONE


Peel and steam a two or three potatoes until fully cooked, they don’t break up when steamed, and steam times are one and a half boil time.

So that’s 20 mins + 10 mins = 30mins from water boiling.

Note boil water while peeling cutting and rinsing.

Keep cooking water.

Remove potatoes, in the steamer insert, cover with tea towel until dry.

Find just right size tin, a “Frey Bentos pie” (must ask Shirley which pastry they use?) tin does just for me for this quantity, try to find the tin after peeling and cutting and before any cooking then you can always add an extra to fit.

Add one cm to half inch fat I use dripping but it’s only once a month.



half a lemon (wax free)

Half an onion

Pinch dried sage

Inside 1 Kg chicken, Brought to room temperature.

Note roasting time 75 mins at 180C so 15mins each breast up, left side, right side, back up, finally breast up again. Plus 15 mins extra to rest.

Veggies are frozen, I prefer frozen as then have I have zero wastage.

I keep cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, peas, special mixed, in the main.

Steam and keep water again.

Yorkshire pud for one

one egg, quarter cup each plain flour and semi skimmed milk.

I have found the standard egg is one quarter cup in volume. So 2 eggs = half cup, 4 eggs = full cup.

Sometimes I use part milk and part, beer / stock/ water, up to the total liquid volume.

A sprinkle of cheese as the Yorkshires go into the oven are often appreciated, try when doing individuals half and half, and gauge response.

Whisk milk and egg together, sieve and whisk flour in stages too much at once goes lumpy. whisk until frothy.

Or sieve flour into bowl and add egg/s and beat well then add rest of liquid in steps.

Leave as long as possible, overnight is not too long, in the, refrigerator, re whisk from time to time i.e. leave the whisk in to save washing up.

Another FB tin needed no fat yet.

When adding batter to fat do on the stove top to keep fat very hot.

Right that’s the prep and notes done:

Times for a 5:00 sit down

2:30 oven on, peel and leave cut pots under water.

Make up Yorkshire batter.

3:00 boil kettle put pots in steamer, add boiling water bring back to boil cover and start 30min timer.

3:15 chicken in, potato tin in, yorky tin in.

3:30 turn chicken check pots.

3:40 or Ping dry off pots

3:45 Shake to roughen the edges. Add to hot fat baste. Turn chicken.

4:00 turn chicken, baste pots,

4:15 last turn chicken, strain 3mm to eighth inch fat into yorky tin on stove top,remove all possible fat from pots replace pots in oven, heat yorky fat very hot pour yorky batter into tin and straight into oven.


Why? Because if you open the door earlier the puddings will collapse.

Ping quickly remove chicken, close do not slam oven.

Cover chicken and rest.

Panic is now over restart timer

Reheat veg water add veggies of desire, leave to steam

Ping turn off oven and crack open door. Too allow slow cool down, that darn yorky again.

Remove steamer insert drain chicken juices into veggie water. Bring to hard fast boil taste think about seasoning but do not add, yet a splash of alcohol something is okay.

Cut chicken in half with shears, plate one half, plate veggies, plate pots, plate yorky.

Taste gravy again, pour into a gravy separator (I use this one), pour over or round, according to your foible, the meal and add a twist of sea/rock salt, twist of pepper, twist of chilli flakes for a little kick, enjoy.

Thoughts etc

Please try without adding anything else to the gravy you will be surprised how fresh it tastes.

I told you to taste again and again to understand this isn’t just “Gravy”.

I do not use salt in cooking; I find that the twists gives sudden bursts of flavour intermittently throughout the meal, rather than a overall background.

If you add granules you have wasted the stock, boil a kettle and use a jug if you must.

And I find Bisto, tastes like Oxo, like Supermarket own, false.

Other times the veggie water will always help these pretenders.

What ever I cook I keep the real and pretend apart.

Use slaked corn flour to thicken, gravy browning to darken, if you must, as these add no taste.

When steaming use your eagle eye and use as little water as you can.

Bones simmered, after removing the lemon, for a little stock, if you didn’t interfere with the gravy yesterday add this as well.

Boiled bones go cloudy, boil to reduce after straining, don’t be greedy try and recover too much from the bones as the result is horrid.

To prove to yourself keep just the juices from the roast and compare to an over cooked carcase.

Definitely a case of less is more.

Then a nice soup for another day or a booster for something else.

The Next Day?

Fresh rolls needed for roast chicken rolls, must use butter.

With a little side salad, don’t hide the chicken.

Definitely a cure for back to work Monday!

Although I have done lunch and supper on a piggy day. Pass the wine Hic, oops.

This will be posted on both Shirley and my blogs, as it fits a common theme.

And knowing Shirley she will tell me how I could have fed the five thousand for a fortnight on these quantities.


Tuesday 9 March 2010

Editing a blog in word.

When a cut and paste from word to blogger is attempted.

What happens is not the desired result.

If you paste into “Blogger HTML” all formatting is lost.

If you paste into “Blogger Compose” Blogger has a hissy fit and by repeatedly forcing after while may publish. Sometimes not.

There is a way around this but so long as you can cut and paste it is relatively easy.

The cause of the problem is that blogger does not recognise all the “Hidden Tags” that word adds to describe the formatting of the document.

So these need to be removed.

How do we do this?

Compose and edit your post in word when you are happy Save if wanted.

Copy and paste into “Blogger Compose”.

Click on “HTML” there will be errors, do not worry

Copy the error riddled code.

Open wordoff web page


Paste the dodgy code and click clean up.

Now copy the clean code

Paste back into “Blogger HTML”

Click preview to check.


If you need to edit a blog.


Copy and paste into word

Then repeat above.

So in conclusion,

You need to move to and from word via “Blogger Compose”

You need to move to and from wordoff via “Blogger HTML”

Compose is the pretty way we understand the text

HTML is the way web sites know how to put the pretty onto a web page.


Monday 8 March 2010

Bogus iPad Offer on Facebook

Bogus iPad Offer on Facebook

A fake offer regarding the upcoming gadget from Apple, the iPad.

The team behind the spam sets up a Facebook page where it encourages a user to become a fan of its page. Then, it encourage the user’s friends to become fans of the page by letting the user invite them via a handy button. When a user do this process, it would supposedly increase his or her chances of being accepted for the iPad’s “Research Team”.

After all of those things occur, the next step shows a page that looks like an official Apple webpage. However, a pop-up survey would show up right after.

The pop-up survey includes a form to fill in a user’s contact information and it is trying to sign up the user for a premium rate cellphone service that charge approximately $10 a week.

Scams like these also happen on other social media sites such as Twitter. Five screenshots are included in the article. They show the Facebook page, a user’s invite form, the survey, the twitter post, and the webpage that users would see after clicking on the twitter post.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Different methods of cooking :

Bake : Cook in an oven

Bake in a bag - also called baking 'en papillote', to place something( normally fish) in a sealed foil or paper bag with seasonings and a little liquid and baking it in the oven until cooked.

Baste - to spoon hot fat or stock from the roasting tray over whatever you're roasting to moisten it and to encourage caramelisation

Bat out - to bash a piece of meat with a wooden mallet or a metal meat baton even a saucepan to make it thinner, before cooking.

Blacken - to coat a piece of fish or meat in a mixture of seasonings and cook in a hot pan without oil so the surface burns and turns black giving a charred flavour.

Blanch - to immerse briefly in boiling water either to cook (for vegetables) or to remove fat or salt (for meat)

Boil - to cover with cold water, bring to a rolling boil and cook until tender.

Braise - to cook meat or veg slowly, in a pot with a little liquid and a lid on until tender, either in the oven or on the stove

Broil - To grill

Brown - to fry or roast something in fat until it caramelises on the outside

Caramelise - to get the sugar on the surface of something to turn into caramel by frying, roasting, grilling or even blow torching in the case of tarts, poached fruit, meringues or crème brulees.

Ceviche - thinly sliced fish marinated in lemon or lime juice to partially cook it before eating. A method of cooking without heat.

Char - to burn part or all of the surface of whatever you are cooking until it turns into carbon

Chargrill - to cook something on heavy iron bars above a charcoal or gash eat. The surface of the food touching the bars chars and gives a smoky barbecue flavour

Cook down - to cook an ingredient or mixture of ingredients in a pan with the lid off until it reduces in volume

Deep fry - to immerse in hot oil and cook until crisp

Emulsify - to combine fat or oil and other liquids to make a stable suspension, often using egg yolks (mayonnaise)

Fry - to cook by placing in hot shallow pan with a little fat. Whatever you are cooking should end up slightly crisp and caramelised.

Grill - to cook by placing under a hot electric or gas element

Infuse - to immerse aromatic things like lemon zest, cinnamon sticks, vanilla pods or bunches of herbs, in hot liquids so that the liquid will take on their flavours.

Marinate - to immerse meat or fish in a seasoned liquid (a marinade), possibly containing oil, lemon juice or vinegar, spices, herbs and sometimes wine to tenderise and flavour it before cooking.

Par boil - to cover ingredients (normally vegetables) with cold water, bring to the boil and drain, to part cook them, often before roasting.

Poach - to immerse in hot liquid and simmer gently until cooked and/or tender

Pot roast - to roast in a pot with the lid on or off, with a little liquid added to baste the roast, keeping it moist and helping it caramelise.

Puree - a very smooth vegetable mash usually passed through a sieve to remove any lumps.

Reduce - to boil a liquid in a saucepan without a lid so that it evaporates, reduces in volume and concentrates in flavour.

Refresh - to immerse in ice cold water after blanching to preserve colour( in vegetables), and stop the cooking process.

Render - to cook a piece of fat, or meat with fat around it by a frying, steaming, boiling or roasting so that the fat melts and can be either discarded or kept for cooking purposes.

Rest - to take a piece of meat out of the oven once it's finished cooking and keep it warm for 10 minutes or so before serving. The fibres of the meat which are tensed up by the heat of the oven relax and the meat becomes more tender.

Roast - to cook in the oven with fat to help whatever you're cooking caramelise and crisp.

Roux - a mixture of butter and flour fried together to thicken a sauce (like Bechamel), stew or soup.

Rub - mixture of herbs and spices which is rubbed on food before cooking to give it a tasty crust.

Sear - to fry in very little oil, briefly on a fierce heat.

Season - to flavour with salt and pepper before or after cooking.

Simmer - to boil very gently so only a few bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid .

Slowcook - to roast, simmer, braise or stew very gently for a long time.

Soak - to immerse dried things like beans, lentils, salt cod or mushrooms in water until they're ready to be cooked.

Steam - to place ingredients in a pot or basket with small holes in the bottom over a pan of boiling water so they cook in the steam.

Stew - to cook meat or veg slowly, covered with liquid, in a pot either in the oven or on the stove.

Sweat - to cook vegetables, gently, in a pot until they are soft and squashy without any colour. A lid and a cartouche help this process by keeping any steam generated inside the pot.

Tray bake - a method of cooking where the meat or fish and the accompanying vegetables are all cooked in the one tray in the oven.
